Sunday, June 30, 2013

How often should I clean my carpets?

First question to ask yourself…..Why should I get my carpet cleaned?

Even if you don’t think your carpets look dirty, guess again, they are. Dirt gets deep down into the fibers of the carpet. Getting your carpets cleaned on a regular basis will make your home a healthier place to live. Carpets that are cleaned regularly will extend the life of your carpet. The largest carpet manufacturer highly recommends hot water extraction (steam cleaning).

Next question to ask yourself…..When should I get my carpet cleaned?

Just don’t get your carpets cleaned when it looks dirty or once every couple of years. Here are some guidelines to go by:

Lightly soiled - vacuum once a week – clean every 12-18 months
Normal soil (families’ w/kids, elderly) – vacuum 1-2 times a week – clean every 6-12 months
Heavily soiled (families’ w/pets, smoking) – vacuum 2-4 times a week – clean every 3-6 months
Extreme conditions (large families, multiple pets) vacuum daily – clean every 2-3 months

Last question to ask yourself…..How should I get my carpets cleaned?

Use a company that does hot water extraction or in other words, steam cleaning. Ask them what exactly do they do or what process. For example do they prespray the whole carpet, treat the stains and spots and is it a deep cleaning for the price they are charging you. Also use a company that gives you a firm price up front.

The very last questions to ask yourself…..Who should I get to clean my carpets?

The only answer, JP Carpet Cleaning Expert Floor Care, of course

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How Often Should I Clean My Carpets?

Many homeowners are unsure about how often to clean their carpets. This question should be handled with care. The carpet cleaning process depends on how soiled and how much use it gets. Here is a guideline on how often you should get your carpets professionally cleaned:

Lightly soiled, vacuum once a week, clean every 12 to 18 months.

Normal soil, (families w/kids, elderly) vacuum 1 to 2 times a week, clean every 6 to 12 months.

Heavily soiled, (families w/pets, smoking) vacuum 2-4 times a week, clean every 3-6 months.

In extreme conditions, (large families, multiple pets) vacuum daily, and clean every 2-3 months.

You need to choose a professional carpet cleaning company that is dedicated to customer service. You want a company that works on its own, on time, and gets the results that will last.