Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cleaning Dark Water Spots on Hardwood Floors

Dark water spots are a nuisance. Between professional cleanings or other hardwood treatments, it's worth knowing how to manage dark water spots on your hardwood floors. 

Clean spot and surrounding area with No. 2 steel wool and a wood floor cleaner or mineral spirits. Thoroughly wash the spotted area with household vinegar. Allow it to remain for three to four minutes. If the spot remains, sand with fine sandpaper, follow the grain pattern of the wood, feathering out 3 to 4 inches into the surrounding area, re-wax, and polish. If two repeated applications of vinegar do not remove the spot, apply the oxalic acid solution directly on the spot. Proportions are one ounce oxalic acid to one-quart water or a fraction thereof.

**Use recommended cleaner and buff vigorously with a clean towel. Refinishing might be necessary


  1. carpet cleaning Children’s artwork on walls

    I bet that it was quite a big surprise when you came back from work and saw that all walls are covered with crayons. And how would you be able to get rid of this mess? Actually, very easy! Don’t panic, just grab some toothpaste and roll up your sleeves. Use a damp cloth to apply it and rub carefully. In the end just wipe off the surface with a clean wet towel. It’s not so difficult, is it? carpet cleaning London

  2. Moisten the wood with sponge to allow bleach enter in better way. Mix the commercial liquid, brush a liberal coast of mix on damp wood and let soak the wood, after some time (at least two hours) you see the results. Atlanta Carpet Cleaning
